
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Check out my friend Travis' GST post for Friday, March 26th, entitled On the Saints... some very interesting thoughts...

And check out Eric's post from yesterday...

Good stuff to think about...

el Dios le bendice siempre...

I'm having an "Alexander" day!! Everything that could go wrong... okay, just the "important" stuff... went wrong. Lots of potentially bad to really bad stuff went haywire. Yeah, those of you who know me well have seen me cry and know that I'm a very tender-hearted person; however, I HATE TO CRY AT WORK!!! But I did anyway, which only made me more upset. One of my dearest friends came by my office in the midst of my immitation of David's soaker hoses for Alabama Rain. He gave me a hug and said this one thing that I made stick in my mind... "it'll get better". And he's right... eventually it'll get better. It's a little better now, but that's not exactly my point. No matter what happens here on earth... as long as we're living for Him... "it'll get better." Now I'd venture to say that things will also get better here on earth... my situations will get much better eventually. I just have to remember that I have to be on God's plan and schedule and not my own. I think there's some verse in the Bible that says something like, oh, "all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord." So ya' have to listen to Sam, too... another good friend of mine... and "hang in there"!! To quote words penned by another good friend of mine, Eric (hey, check out his blog!), in a song he wrote "it'll only last for a little while." I can't remember what song it's from... so you'll just have to buy them all and find out?!! ;) At any rate, don't worry... I'm not moving to Australia, even though I do miss Scott Lloyd ("for real-real, not for play-play").

And on that note... we're going to stop before we quote anyone else!!

el Dios le bendice siempre!


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

While I am all for kindness to pets and relationships with God... ... well, just check out Matt Elliott's post from today and the link.

By the way, his daughter is a cutie and his sons are, too. I know they're very thankful to God for their children... especially ALL of them. Adopted children are very special and especially loved, because they're "picked out" by parents. Natural children are very special and especially loves because they're yours naturally. I've found that many friends of my family who couldn't have children adopted and then were pregnant not much later... be it after one or two adoptions. Being a natural child, I somewhat envy adopted children. They have a reason to KNOW FOR SURE that they're wanted. But don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that I have MY parents. I know that I fit and belong with them. But I digress...

That's it for today, I guess...

el Dios le bendice siempre...


Monday, March 22, 2004

BTW, Travis is writing for a new blog by some follow Graduate School of Theology students from ACU... check them out at the link to the right...

Okay, so this isn't so much a "profound thought" but something I "ran across" last night. Ya know, I told you Cliff and I have some great conversations out on the patio, right?! Well, last night he confided in me some skeletons from his closet. I was sort of wishing I could think of something equally as important to me that I could tell him, but never thought of anything... well, not until later. I don't, we'll have to see if I really feel like it's a right time to say anything... it may not happen, but at least I'm glad to have a friend I feel that I can entrust stuff like that to and that trusts me, too!!

el Dios le bendice siempre...

Welp, my friend Julie is in the hospital. She okay... at least for now. She has pancreatitis. It's not from gall stones or drinking, so she's not having surgery and isn't in trouble for bad habits. They think it's from the medicine she's taking for colitis... yeah... so they are working on what to give her for that.

In other news, Dodd cleaned the front yard... Friday? And I got part of the back raked yesterday... it was windy and had to go do laundry so I stopped.

At any rate... I'll write more later... no thought for the day right now...


Friday, March 19, 2004

¡El dios le bendice! a mis amigos de Vaughn Park...

"Hey look... it's-a-new people!!" I'd like to call you attention to some new links to your right as you view the screen.

First up, we have the blogs of Mr. Keith Lancaster and Mr. Matt Elliott... welcome!! I have been a long time fan of them both. Keith is widely known for his MASSIVE contributions to Acappella and the Acappella Company as a whole. If you haven't heard anything by him or any other group in the company, you need to check it out at www.acappella.org and see what you think. Matt is an excellent worship leader with a heart of gold. Check out his musings and see if you're not enlightened or at least amused.

Now, the New American Shakespeare Tavern is... is... awe-inspiring. When you walk into the theatre space you feel as if you just stepped back in time and into the Old Globe theatre or one of it's contemporaries even if they are located in Atlanta, Georgia. The Rylander Theatre is located in Americus, Georgia, my parent's hometown. I have not had the pleasure of visiting it in any capacity, but would love to after having toured the Davis Theatre for the Performing Arts here in Montgomery. Now, there is a community theatre group in Americus called the Sumter Players, check them out, too.

BTW, anyone in Montgomery who can, support young thespians, the Baldwin Players, and go see The Music Man, Jr. at Baldwin Jr. High. I heard them on Cool 104.3 the other morning and they sounded pretty good for junior high kids!!

My sister sent this to me... her fiance shared it with her and I thought I'd share it with you all. It's another one of those "God works in mysterious ways" kind of things and proves how much THE Word means to people who aren't raised with it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Byrom, Kim
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 3:24 PM

I know you guys have heard me talk about my brother-in-law handing out Bibles in Iraq. We sent some to him recently and this is an email he sent to my sister about one of his recent experiences. I thought you guys might be interested.

now for a story to share.....

several weeks ago i gave out some of the arabic bibles to the welding crew i have mainly jordanians.... one guy the foreman was very pleased and just told me thanks (shucron) several times.... he said that he had children that he would read to from the love book.... well the next day i gave him one of the children story books i had left - again Gods time is perfect... i had felt the need to keep a couple and that is why....

Baby he just came back from leave and jordan tonight and just walked up to me and handed me a gift.... it is one of those colored sand vases with the scene in it.... it ofcourse is of a camel and the desert but in the top part it has my name in it.... he said that his son worked on this for several hours for me because he wanted to give the man that passes out the bibles a gift....

sweetheart i can hardly type my eyes are full of tears.... where else in this world would the bible mean so much to a 9 year old child.... the world is a fearful and violent place but Gods children are everywhere.....

If we only would stop each day we live in the US and thank our Lord for the opportunity we have and we all need to know that our country is the only country in the world that openly allows us to worship as we want --- maybe then we would have church that is church... fellowship that is not required to hide away, that is not in fear of their life.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

BTW... Happy St. Patrick's Day... and Brett does not look like a leprechaun... he may favor one, but only 'cause he's a red head...

Here's an example of where the title of my blog comes in... I talked to a friend of mine at lunch today who was very upset over several things.

He's been looking for a house to purchase when his lease is up, he's been looking into a better paying job, he's been try to finish school, and he's been doing lots of other things, too, on top of all this. Well, he was talking to someone else and lamenting the fact that it looked like he wasn't going to get a job he wanted. She proceeded, then, to hound him about how he should be thankful for working where he is and that it was his own fault, he'd been told he wouldn't be hired for that job and he'd agreed to do the job he was doing for that amount.

Well, the problem is that that person just doesn't understand. They probably think they do, but evidently not so much. She's married to an executive and already owns her own house and has been in her job for the longest time and has little need or desire for any higher degree an education in her life. My friend, on the other hand, is single, on his own, has nothing really to "own" (except maybe his car), had not been in his position for terribly long, and is desperately trying to better himself and his life. He was given the impression that he had a good chance at the job and was told that they would be trying to get him a raise (potentially every year) at the job he's in.

To be completely honest, I know she's right in that he probably shouldn't get his hopes up like he did, and you can never COUNT ON a raise anywhere, and he should be thankful for the environment he works in and that he is working. But, she was trying to look at it all through rose-colored glasses and the world is in very vivid Technicolor... yeah, that doesn't work.

Now, I did tell him not to let it upset him. He does understand that she doesn't understand his position. And I told him that he'll be fine... he has a job that pays money and a place to live. I think he'll be fine...

Something to make you laugh...

Here's a string of quotes/ insides jokes from my theatre friends...

"See, what had happened wuz..." "That's why nobody likes you..." "Well, that's stupid!" "I's just kidding..." "Put my head back on the table!"... and yes, we can randomly string all of these together for some reason...


Monday, March 15, 2004

Hey!! Just checking in... I had a nice weekend...

Happy 40th Birthday to my friend Sam Wallace!! His birthday was Friday...

Congratulations to Ben and Elizabeth Ng... their wedding was Saturday...

Good show!!... to the chorus of Alabama Christian Academy. Their showcase was this past weekend... lots of fun. BTW, TREY HOLLADAY... Someone to Watch Over Me is from Oh Kay! and not Anything Goes!... oy vey... I thought Elizabeth was telling you that... oh well...

Well, Cliff and I had another deep conversation last night. Dodd only made it deeper ;) , adding his thoughts in, too. Dodd started it with "What do you think about reincarnation?" "I don't know..." was my answer. I think it's possible that souls can be sent back for whatever reason. Let's face it, God can do whatever he wants. Now I think we all agreed that those people who try to tell you that you were the Queen of Siam in a former life... well, I think someone took a few marbles when they weren't looking? I guess I figure that if there are angels and demons "all around us" there's the distinct possibilty that they will manifest themselves in some form... human or otherwise. A good book to read that talks lots about this is Seeing the Unseen by Joe Beam. I can't recall how much of his story is in the book itself, but it's powerful as well. ("Joanna, if you're in the room, leave now...")

Another thing we talked about that I think I've mentioned before, the whole concept of judging. We all agreed that we're not the type to tell someone flat out "you are going to hell." I think they're with me in that I'll tell you that I feel something is wrong and/or a sin for this reason, and I'll tell you pros and cons of whatever you're deciding, but refrain from ever outright telling someone that they're going to hell. We all agreed that that's not our job!! We leave that to God...

Thoughts from Brad's sermon yesterday... it was on doing things for show. His three main points were not to GIVE for show, not to PRAY for show, and not to FAST for show. I'd venture to go one step further and dare to say that we don't need to do anything for show. I don't think that our motive in living this life should be all about what we can get from it or how good we can look or what we can get the credit for. That's not my idea of "doing everything as unto the Lord"... which is somewhere in the New Testament. There are some things that I have done because it benefitted me or "looked good" more so than it being "for God." I will say this... in any performance setting, I try to keep foremost in my mind that it's not about me. I'm flawed enough when it comes to performing... let not put any pressure with this whole "it's about me" thing. It's about telling the story, it's about entertaining an audience, it's about teaching someone at least one little thing. It's actually a little embarrassing when someone says anything to me about a performance. I try to take it as graciously as I can and "move on"... another topic or conversation. I can only hope that that's why God's blessed me with very little stage fright if I ever have any.

At any rate... y'all have a good night and I'll write again... tomorrow?!...


Thursday, March 11, 2004

People scare me... that's the thought for the day... which is something of an exaggeration since not all people do, just some.

Here's a philosophy for you... don't try to talk people into something. I try not to talk people into one specific action or choice... I simply try to talk them into seeing both angles and all possibilities and the pros/cons. I came to the realization years ago that some people can't be talked into something anyway. He knows who he is and he knows the conversation. When it started I knew already (and told him), that it didn't matter really what I said that ultimately HE had to decide what to do. He's stubborn for one thing.. or is hard-headed better?... and it's his life anyway... So I just pointed out both sides and let him alone to decide... and told him I'd love him no matter what, he's my friend.

Anyway... enough philosophy and mush for one day... I have a baby shower to get ready for... CONGRATS to JAKE and ANN CAMPBELL!! Callie Hannah is on her way in April!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

hey, Eric...

If it's non-dairy creamer, what is it made of?

(That's yesterday's thought courtesy of Michael Walcott... this morning!! ;)


Monday, March 08, 2004

I'm not having a pleasant afternoon... but that's another story...

At any rate, yesterday was Sunday... church, right?! Yeah, CHURCH!! I'm excited about it... looking forward to it. I'm priviledged enough to be on one of the worship teams at church (don't hold it against me... talk to me... BabyJ20@juno.com). Well, you'll never guess what happened to me during commmunion. For the first time in my entire "born-again" life, I spilt the juice on my skirt... and the music seeing as how I was on worship team. I would have been more worried about Bibles and song books and stuff, but it was just my skirt and a couple of pages copied from the book(s) for us to sing from. It brings a whole new image to "covered by his blood"... mostly if you're Catholic. Anywhoo...

Thought for the day... GOD hopes in US!! Pretty cool idea, huh?! He's hoping and trusting in us to follow Him. Not only that, but he's hoping and trusting in us to make the right decision(s) in our life. Letson put it this way, too: you give your friend directions to your house. "Turn left on Ann Street, turn right on Highland Avenue, but WATCH FOR THE MASSIVE POTHOLE," you tell them. You sincerely HOPE they listen and you HOPE they don't ruin a tire or axel or whatever by hitting the hole. He talked about how God has that same kind of hope for us. He doesn't want us to screw up or fall flat on our face. He wants us to be perfect like his Son. But he knows we can't be... and I just thought of why! I have great parents who raised me VERY WELL, thank you... no matter what any of you may think of me!! ;) But see, their human, too... their NOT GOD. Who raised Jesus? Okay, physically, Mary and Joseph, but before that?.... GOD!!! No wonder he was perfect... he had the perfect father. But by sending Jesus, He understands us COMPLETELY. Don't ask how... you'll get a migraine. Just think about it for a while and marvel... "He has done marvelous, He has done marvelous things.... Praise the Lord!!" And thanks, Letson... hope you don't mind me sharing?!!

Oh, BTW, today is my Daddy's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

(To everyone else... he's older than me and that's all you need to know... oh, and they WERE married before I was born... WAY before...)


Friday, March 05, 2004

Aw, crud, I deleted what I wrote earlier... let's see if I can recreate it...

thought for the day... "Any o' bush will do!" When God spoke to Moses he used a burning bush, right? Of course right! Did it matter what bush? Not so much. "Hey, short stuff, what's the point?" The point is that it doesn't so much matter who you are... it what you let God do through you. You have to strive to always do his will. And, yes, I did say "strive"... we're not perfect and it's not going to be easy, but we have to "go for it" anyway. I must confess that I'm not always as open to what God wants me to do as I should be, but I try to keep myself following Him. One of my philosophies of life is that we're here to do his will, not ours. Enough seriousness though..

Hey, did you know that I have 5 fish? I have two at work... Elysian ("Ely") is a blue betta and Golde is a little goldfish. I have three at home in a 2.5 gallon tank...Hephaestus ("Hep") is a red and teal betta, Daemus is a cherry barb, and Heather is a head-and-tail light. Ginger, Daph's dog, is part dachtsund and part chihuahau... dachuahua(??). Punkin, Momma's dog, is a white miniature poodle who is too smart for her own good. If you don't believe me, just ask me... BabyJ20@juno.com. I have some stories about that dog!!

I think that was all I said... I don't know... doesn't matter now... Have a good weekend!!

Just so you know... you should read your friends blogs before you write your "last" post for the day!! ;) I just checked out my friend's blogs... Eric's a darling and posted a big welcome and some comments that are way to kind. (Thank you, Eric!!)

FYI... I did update the links to your right as you read this. They include links to blogs by friends I've virtually "grown up with" in some sense. They are all inspirations to me in many ways, so I know you'll find something in their ruminations... whoa, a four syllable word in a blog?!! Is that legal?!

For the humor... my workstudy was just under attack from the air conditioner!! heehee... On occasion the ventilation system in my office will sound like a B-52, or the like, flying overhead. (PS- don't tell her I told you that!! ;) )


Thursday, March 04, 2004

Have I mentioned that I got hit last night? Yep, rear ended on the way to church!! Mark had left Schlotsky's earlier, Momma was pulling out as I was walking to my car, and Daddy and Uncle Keith were still there. I drive along minding my own business. I get to the intersection of Carmichael and Perry Hill... pulling up behind a... McLane Foodservice Distributors(?)... big ol' delivery truck. I glance in my rearview mirror for a split second and barely saw a light colored truck coming. I looked back forward just in time... WHAM... scream... shut eyes... "open them before you hit the delivery truck"... hit brakes... stop car completely... get out to see damage. There wasn't any. (So Eric, is it still a "fender bender" when the fender's not bent?) Daddy and Uncle Keith pulled up in front of my car while I was debating on whether or not to call the police. We decided not to since we were both fine and there was no damage... except for two black smudges I'm assuming are from his bumper?? (Not that they can't just be washed off...)

Anyway... that was my excitement from last night... I may write more later... we'll see...

Hello again... sorry for the somewhat hasty blog yesterday... I forgot to tell you that I'm looking into a way to add comments. I'm just not all that good at web stuff... "HT- what??" (I'm not really THAT bad... quite...) But for now... you can just email me at BabyJ20@juno.com.

At any rate... I'm off into the world of work for a while. Who knows... I may write again this afternoon?! If you're lucky... ;)


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Life is chaos... that's my new revelation. That and "people are stupid" sum it up. Okay, so that sounds harsher than I meant... mainly, I'm STILL busy and my show closed Saturday night. Ah well, c'est la vie, I suppose.

I am not in a theatre production in any way, shape, form or fashion right now... nor do I intend to be for a while. I think I need the break. I didn't even audition for one show and the other one I auditioned for I wasn't cast in... so I still feel a little "un-talented" to say the least. But I do still have artistic outlets... I'm singing with the Lectureship chorus this week at Faulkner and helping with the worship team at church (which getting that set up has been a task I'm not even through with yet).

Everything happens for a reason though... This break from theatre is allowing me to be there for my friends more and to do more with my family (home and church) and co-workers. I'm a firm believer in God working in mysterious ways... even though I don't care for the song. My good friend, Cliff, who you will find references to many a deep and really good conversation, and I were talking the other night about how much God looks after you and prepares you for what's to come. We both had instances where we felt that what was happening was really crappy, but because of who we are, who we know, and what we've done as a result of it, we wouldn't change it for anything. For instance, I feel like Granpa (my mother's father) dieing helped me be able to be there for one of my really good friends, Jason, when his grandfather died. In turn, that prepared me (as much as anything can) for Grandaddy dieing. Each event made me that much stronger and more "equipped" to deal with the next. So yeah, I may not like the song God Moves in a Mysterious Way, but I LOVE the way he does!!


Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Hey... this is new... like not just a new post or a new blog, but new to me. Hopefully you'll enjoy my ramblings. Well, this is just to set it up... I'll probably write "for real real" later.

Happy surfing!!


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